Psoriasis sufferer's dramatic improvement

Debbie has suffered from psoriasis for over 30 years, from when she was a teenager. She had tried everything but never found a solution, until now.

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C60 resolves trigger finger

Carol began to suffer with trigger finger. She didn't want to have steroid injections or an operation so took C60 in olive oil and found it cured her trigger finger.

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Team GB triathlete loves C60

Vanessa Raw, who was a member of the British Olympic Academy Squad, explains how C60 helps her body recover after years on the competitive International Triathlete circuit.

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Psoriasis sufferer: One year on

We catch up with Debbie one year after she started taking C60 and see if she is still free from psoriasis

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50th Birthday present for psoriasis sufferer

Debbie celebrating her birthday in a special way

We celebrate Debbie's 50th Birthday and a present she never thought she would ever get!

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Arthritis sufferer finds relief

Hear how this young rheumatoid arthritis sufferer gets relief from years of pain after taking C60 for only a few weeks. He reports he is able to recover faster after any physical activity.

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C60 experience of a Yoga teacher

Relaxing with Marc, interviewing him in his back garden

​Marc Aquaviva, a yoga teacher shares his experience of taking C60 and how it has made fundamental changes to his body and effected him at a deep level.

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